Pass a bill that declares all animal as non human persons, and should have the basic rights to live,

  • por: Keneth Petrone
  • destinatário: All Governors of the United States, Unites States Congress, Supreme Court,

All Animals are just like us except in a different body, they are full of love and emotion, they have personalities the same exact way Humans do. This is evil and needs to stop! All animals are non human persons and angels, they all deserve to live in peace. People who commit animal cruelty should be treated as terrorists, and people who allow it to happen should be put in jail. 

Here is a mother screaming for her babies that were killed infront of her,

Here is a horror in Spain, we should be putting boots on the ground in that village and make all of those people pay for their crimes. They are no different than terrorists, every person who enjoys killings animals would enjoy killing a human as well. We are all one, lets stop killing our family members and start helping them. Get a Bill passes to allow ALL Animals their basic right to live, inculding those that are exploited, the ones in slaughter houses, fur trade, anything to do with people making money from using something that belongs to the Animal, the way Nature intended it.

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