Tell Governor O'Malley to Say No to LNG Exports

  • por: Sierra Club
  • destinatário: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley
The threat of exporting fracked gas is rearing its ugly head on the Northeast and East Coast.

Dominion Resources wants to the build the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility on the Chesapeake Bay -- a facility that will start a fracking rush in communities throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Virginia. Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley has the opportunity to make history by taking a stand to protect communities from more fracking. Will you tell him to be on the right side of history?

Send your letter today. Tell Governor O'Malley to stop the Cove Point LNG export facility from moving forward.
Dear Governor O'Malley,

I urge you to oppose to the proposed construction of a dangerous, polluting and potentially climate-devastating facility: the Cove Point liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Calvert County, Maryland.

The facility, proposed by Virginia-based Dominion Resources, Inc., would greatly harm the Chesapeake Bay, raise energy prices for vulnerable and low-income consumers, set back Maryland's own greenhouse gas goals, tear neighborhoods, farms, and state natural resources apart with new and unwanted pipelines, and start an unprecedented fracking rush throughout the Marcellus Shale region.

[Your comments will go here]

Please protect Marylanders and other vulnerable shale gas communities from the threat of Cove Point's natural gas exports.

[Your name]
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