Tell the PKK: No More Child Soldiers in Iraq

  • por: Amelia Meister
  • destinatário: Murat Karayılan, co-head of the PKK

"Daoud", a Yazidi boy wanted revenge against ISIL for the death of his family. He volunteered to an armed branch of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and was taken on as a child soldier. He was only 15 at the time.

This boy is one of at least 29 documented instances of child soldiering in Iraq right now, as armed branches of the PKK welcome in all volunteers. However, even if a child under 16 volunteers for armed combat it is still illegal and considering child soldiering. For children under 15, it is a war crime.

The PKK has the power, however, to condemn this practice in its armed branches and help return these children to their families where they belong. Children should not be fighting in combat, and while the situation is desperate for many young people, the answer is not armed combat.

Sign now to condemn the use of child soldiers in Iraq. By signing today you are helping many families reunite and preventing the psychological trauma of combat for children.

*Photo Credit: See page for author [GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons

To Murat Karayılan,

As someone concerned with the well being of children I am deeply troubled by the acceptance of child soldier volunteers by armed branches of the PKK. 

This is an illegal practice and for children under 15, it is a war crime. You have the power to prevent this from happening. 

As the co-head of the PKK, I call on you to condemn the use of child soldiers in all armed branches of the PKK and to release, from service, all children 18 and younger. 

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