Pledge to Stand Against Antisemitism

"He who hates one group, hates all groups." –Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and founding chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

More than anyone, Holocaust survivors understand the dangers of meeting antisemitism and hatred with silence. At this moment of rising antisemitism, they are our best teachers.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is sharing survivors' experiences and wisdom on social media, as well as through in-person events, live online programs, and more. We're also continuing to record survivor testimony so the Museum can tell their stories in perpetuity.

We cannot do this alone.

Today's environment presents great challenges. Please pledge to support the Museum's work to share survivors' voices and fulfill our critical mission to inspire people to stand up to antisemitism and hate. What You Do Matters.

Photo: Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer Peter Gorog. US Holocaust Memorial Museum
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