End Radical Assault on the Environment

  • por: Democratic National Committee
  • destinatário: George Bush, President of the United States, United States Government; Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, EPA

Are you concerned about the state of our nation's environment? You should be!

Since taking office, the Bush Administration has sought to weaken countless environmental regulations, jeopardizing not only the future of our nation's environment but the health of every American. Under the current administration, efforts to reduce harmful carbon dioxide emissions have been undermined, our protected national parks and monuments are threatened by oil and gas drilling and policies that keep our air and water clean have been weakened.

In a few short weeks, the voters have a chance to make a difference in what will be one of the closest elections in American history. In the days leading to Election Day the Democratic Party will present to President Bush this petition urging him to clean up his record and stop his radical assault on the environment -- before it's too late, letting him know how the voters feel about this Administrations record on the environment. PLEASE SIGN NOW!

Check out this month-by-month look at the Bush Administrations environmental record:

  • MARCH 2001:drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge supported.
  • APRIL 2001:budget funding cut for environmental programs.
  • JUNE 2001:reintroduction of endangered species stopped.
  • JULY 2001:drilling off the coast of Florida proposed.
  • AUGUST 2001:wetlands opened to overdevelopment.
  • DECEMBER 2001: environmental criminals continue to win government contracts.
  • FEBRUARY 2002: Superfund funding cut; decision to store nuclear waste in Nevada.
  • JUNE 2002: a 'major relaxation' of clean air enforcement announced.
Please do your part and sign the petition, forward it to your friends, and help stop this RADICAL ASSAULT on the environment today.
I strongly disagree with your administration's efforts to roll back the clock on vital environmental protections of our nation's precious resources. The administration's alignment with big corporations on important environmental issues will affect the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the health of America's working families.

I oppose the following Bush administration policies:

- Eliminating the "polluter pays" principle of the Superfund program and shifting the burden of cleaning the nation's dirtiest toxic sites to taxpayers
- Letting big polluters get away with increasing the pollution they dump into our air
- Major relaxation of Clean Air Act enforcement
- Funding cuts to the EPA and Interior Department, especially in the area of environmental law enforcement
- Allowing companies that violated federal environmental laws to receive lucrative federal contracts funded by taxpayers

I strongly urge you to change your aggressive initiatives that dirty our air and water and expose families to dangerous toxics. Please work with environmental organizations and Democrats in Congress to improve the state of America's precious resources.

The undersig

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