Email John West and demand that their tuna comes from 100% sustainable fishing methods.

  • por: Greenpeace UK
  • destinatário: Paul Reenan, Managing Director John West

Destructive tuna fishing by companies like John West are putting extreme pressure on tuna populations and needlessly killing all kinds of marine animals including sharks, turtles and juvenile tuna.

John West has admitted that just 2% of its tuna is caught using sustainable fishing methods, despite promising to be at 100% in 2016.

And if this wasn't bad enough, their owner Thai Union has been increasingly linked to human rights abuses in their seafood supply chains, which means workers are being exploited to create cheap cans of seafood.

Join Greenpeace UK and email Paul Reenan, managing director of John West, to put pressure on Thai Union Group to stop these unjust practices, and follow through on his promise to use 100% sustainable fishing methods.

Send an email to John West by signing now!


Subject line: The way you fish is destroying our oceans.

Email message:

Dear Paul Reenan, Managing Director of John West

You say that you're fully committed to the protection of the marine environment and to sustainable fishing practices. However in practice only 2% of your tuna is sustainably sourced. Please can you tell me why this is, and also tell me what you are doing to get to 100%?

I look forward to your reply.


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