Save The Seals

I was shocked when I found out that thousands of seals are killed in Canada each year.They get shot and beaten to death.How would you like it if you came out your house and you got shot and got your skull bashed in until you die and you were just a few weeks old and 42% of the time their skulls are bashed wrong and they are skinned alive.That would not be fair.Everyone deserves a chance at life including animals.Seeing pictures of the seals dead with all the blood everywhere makes me cry.It is a very cruel thing to do.The seals are hunted mainly for their fur.It is very sick that people would hunt seals just for their fur.Help stop letting the seals get killed.It is pointless and cruel.
Dear Canadian Government,
I was shocked when I found out that thousands of seals are killed in Canada each year.They get shot and beaten to death.How would you like it if you came out your house and you got shot and got your skull bashed in until you die and you were just a few weeks old and 42% of the time their skulls are bashed wrong and they are skinned alive.That would not be fair.Everyone deserves a chance at life including animals.Seeing pictures of the seals dead with all the blood everywhere makes me cry.It is a very cruel thing to do.The seals are hunted mainly for their fur.It is very sick that people would hunt seals just for their fur.Help stop letting the seals get killed.It is pointless and cruel.Thank you for reading this letter.
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