
Bruce is crossed between a Pitbull Type Terrier!As you may be aware... Pitbull Type Terriers are illegal in Northern Ireland! He got took away from me and my family on the 19th September 2007! He is such a beautiful dog with a lovely temperment!We miss him so much!We love him so much!We just want him back!He is innocent! He is on deahs row because of other people treating Pitbulls like discusting creatures! Putting them through pain by fighting them!The people who hurt dogs should be the ones on deaths row!!We have only seen Bruce once since he has been took away!He has a huge infected cut on his nose by trying to get out of the cage he has been locked in!He doesnt deserve this! Please sign this petition to help bring bruce home!! If you would like o know more please leave the question on the comment bit when you sign! Thank-you so0o0o much! x x x x x

We need your signatures to get Bruce home!!hes an illegal Pitbull type terrier but is innocent!!he has never bit or hurt anything in his life!he lives with my other dog Sam who is a Labrador type dog and my 3 year old nephew!!we just want him home!we miss him sooooo much!!!!

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