Gov Paterson Make a Decision on Aqueduct VLT Now..!

Governor Paterson the time has come for a decision on the vendor for the Aqueduct Racino Video Lottery Terminals (VLT)...

Dear Governor Paterson,

We the undersigned, feel that after much delay the day of reckoning has come for you to make your selection of a vendor for the Aqueduct Racino - Video Lottery Terminals (VLT)...In these dire financial conditions, this decision is of the utmost importance for the community and the state, the yield to the State of New York is enormous, the $200,000,000.00 (Two Hundred Million dollars) down payment addition to the estimated at $1,000,000.00 (One Million dollars) a day in lost revenues...Our elected officials, State Senator Joe Addabbo and Assembly Member Audrey Pheffer, have been in consultation with your office voicing the community's desires for the site...We urge you to make a decision posthaste...Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious community matter...

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