Listen to the voters - save our transit, parks, and EMS.

In November of 2008, the residents of Milwaukee County approved a referendum asking for a 1% sales and use tax.  The tax was intended to provide a dedicated funding source for transit, parks & recreation, and EMS services, as well as ease the burden on the property tax payer by removing $67 million from the tax levy.  In the summer of 2009, our state legislators included only a portion of this in the budget they sent to Governor Doyle, who then vetoed the measure entirely.  With devastating cuts being proposed for our transit, parks, and EMS systems, if not eliminating them completely, it would further limit access to good jobs and lower the quality of life for our community.  Due to the imminent threat to these services, we call for our state legislators and Governor Doyle to respect the will of the voters and take immediate action to allow Milwaukee County to authorize a 1% sales and use tax as a dedicated funding source for these services.

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