R or 18A ratings for all movies portraying tobacco use

Smoking kills 36 people every day in Ontario! Tobacco use is the #1 preventable cause of death in Ontario. Research has shown that 90% of regular smokers are hooked by the age of 19.

The tobacco industry's own research done through teen focus groups revealed that youth react to image more than taste and that young smokers are hooked out of fear and their need to appear confident and mature. The tobacco industries continue to use advertising and marketing tactics to portray images of freedom, acceptance and "cool factor" to especially attract the teen, youth and female population.

In 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 2008, and 2010 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named tobacco in the movies a major factor in teen smoking.
Despite strong endorsements by World Health Organizations and many well-respected health organizations for smoke free movies policies, the problem continues;
big tobacco companies know the power of movies.

Movies that are currently shown in the theatres or released on DVD continue to show movies that promote smoking. The week of Feb 14 new releases: No Strings Attached (R), The Town (R), Dinner of Schmucks (PG13) and Salt (PG13), all promote smoking.

This shows that movies are becoming an important instrument for the tobacco industry in normalizing tobacco use for all age groups. There is a great need for the public, family and individuals in Canada, US and worldwide to advocate for de-normalizing tobacco use to protect our health and the environment.

SFH, Smoke Free Heroes project is a youth-led movement started in Parkdale, Toronto with the support of Toronto Public Health since 2010. SFH team members are youth aged 14 to 19 leading this advocacy movement in garnering support from the communities in Toronto, Canada and worldwide. SFH and the other youth-led advocacy projects serve as great examples of youth education engagement and leadership in preventative measures to combat the existing risk of tobacco use and promotions. Youth are leading this movement through creative methods via social media.

As per the four main solutions recommended by the World Health Organization, SFH is adopting the following to help de-normalize Tobacco Use:

  • Asking all theatres in Canada, MPTAC (The Motion Picture Theatre Associations of Canada) to make it mandatory to show smoking contra-ads prior to showing any movies that depict smoking.
  • Rate all movies that depict smoking with a rating or R or 18A.
  • To show support for STOM and learn about the project updates, please join our facebook group, Support STOM - Shake Tobacco off Movies.

Useful Resources to learn about Tobacco and Smoking in Movies:

  1. http://www.playlivebetobaccofree.ca/Resources.aspxhttp://www.cancer.ca/Ontario/Prevention/Quit%20smoking/Second-hand%20smoke.aspx?sc_lang=enhttp://www.smokershelpline.ca/custom/selfhelp.aspx
  2. http://www.smokefreemovies.ca
  3. http://www.yationlung.ca/resources/train-it-yourself
  4.  http://smokefreemovies.ucsf.edu/pdf/sfm_facts.pdf
  5. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/tobac-tabac/research-recherche/stat/_ctums-esutc_fs-if/2002_women-eng.php
  6. http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/17/6/363.full
  7. http://www.smokefreemovies.ucsf.edu/problem/now_showing.html
  8. http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/may2011/31/c9139.html
  9. http://www.smokefreemovies.ca/
  10. http://www.toronto.ca/health/smokefree/index.htm

We, the undersigned, believe that movies are used as an important instrument by the tobacco industry in normalizing tobacco use for all age groups. There is a great need for the public, families and individuals in Canada, US and worldwide to advocate for de-normalizing tobacco use to protect our health and the environment.

Current PG13A movies such as Salt and Dinner for Schmucks continue to promote smoking which clearly shows that there is an immediate need for stricter ratings system.

We are calling on the Ontario Film Review Board (OFRB), to give a rating or R and or 18A for all movies that depict smoking and or tobacco use.

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