Feral Cats Are Killed Here in Arizona

The picture is of a feral cat that lives on Maui. There are wild chickens existent on Maui also which are a source of food for Maui cats. Here in Arizona I have a colony of 10 feral cats that cannot get enough to eat. Pigeons are one source of food for them yet the pigeons are difficult to catch for the cats. They will eat bugs, but there is not enough food for them. So I give them rice and kibbles. Yet if they continue to breed, which they will, I cannot afford to feed them all.
In 28 states already there have been programs implemented for the low income residents to spay and neuter wild animals and then release them back to their locations and/or caregiver. Apparently not in Arizona yet do we have this program. I am desperate for the safety of these animals and refuse to take them in to be killed, which is all that our animal control can do right now, due to the volume of kittens they receive. There are grants to get, but I am not an organization. I am one individual who cares for animals. Now I have discovered 3 others in this town who have had cats giving birth under their homes and they too, either pay out of their own pocket for spay or neuter costs, which is quite high cost, from $60 to $100 per cat I hear.

I wish I could afford to get them all fixed. Also I hear that this program saves taxpayers money, because killing them cost more money than fixing them!
Every year thousands are killed, when it would be so easy to control their population. Please sign and help an old lady save some lives.
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