A Dog's Life and his dead in the European Union

When we reach our goal, this petition will be handed over personally to Jose Baroso (President of the European Commission) and the Hungarian Ambassador to Austria.

Thousands of dogs have been killed in Eastern European animalkilling stations by sadistic people, like this poor puppy-boy, badly tortured and slowly killed to satisfy the punisher. This dog was found in a trashcan at Toeroekbalint (Hungary). There is a former judo-champion, Josef Tuncsik, employed by the local government,  who is very sucessfull in hunting, torturing and killing dogs. And to top it all off, Mr. Tuncsik doesn't have to worry that he will be prosecuted by law%u2026because nobody cares about his cruel doing, neither the government nor the police. Please sign this petition and we will hand it over to the Hungarian Government. Please don't say there's nothing we can do. WE CAN  AND  WILL DO SOMETHING.
PS: Please excuse my english, but anger is the only thing I feel at the moment.

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