Poison Rawhide Bones(Is There Any Justice For The Loss Of Our Bestfriend)

  • av: Krazie
  • mottagare: Specialty Products Resources Inc.
Well on Oct. 28, 2007 I had to get my most loyal and loving BlackJack put
to sleep because she was so sick and dying...I still can't believe she's gone forever. My baby was only about 3yrs old...I will not let go what happened and I want my voice to be heard !!!!! I purchased some rawhide bones from the 24hr Walgreens on Main St. here in High Point, N.C. when I gave my dog one within an hour of chewing half of the bone my BlackJack became sick, vomiting very badly...this went on for a few days and she seemed to get better or so I thought, I noticed her gums, tongue, skin, and white of her eyes was yellow...I was like no way, my dog has jaundice so I took her to the vet. They kept her for 3 days and done blood tests, X-ray, IV's, Etc. and they ruled out blood disease, foreign objects, any kind of blockage, and said my dog was way too healthy & had very good bloodwork prior to get this sick, this fast!! They sent her home with me and wanted to try medication...but nothing worked she just got sick more each day until she could barely walk & would not eat, she was suffering and the outlook didn't look good even with surgery as weak as she was...It was like she had been poisened, even the vet that put her to sleep said that...and she had from that bone. I want some justice for the life of my bestfriend, she was the kind of dog that if your lucky you might run into one once in your lifetime. Now take note on the information below:
- There sold at:  Walgreens
- Brand Name ( Bag O Bones )
- Company Info:  Specialty Products Resources Inc.
                              49 Harrington Rd.
                              Waltham, M.A. 02452  USA
                              Tel: (781) 894-1411
                              Fax: (781) 894-1811
                     Website: http://www.specialtyrawhide.com/
We The Undersigned,

                 We would request your company to pull your products from the shelves until you further test your products for the safety of our pets/companions to eliminate all concerns of Poison, Contamination, or Harmful ingredients, To address any concerns/complaints of your products appropriately and Rightfully to the consumer. Your full support and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
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