Abolish Parental Alienation Now!I

  • av: Grace RMP
  • mottagare: Abolish Parental Alienation!
Grace Rmp  http://www.gopetition.com/petition/40249.html I working very hard to have as many people as possible to sign this petition.. This petition is for children world-wide who are suffering as a result of the selfish affairs between two parents. When a child is alienated from a parent, it is not just a mere separation between two people it is the creation of a life-long hiatus affecting the child for the rest of his life. The absence of love and the lack of presence to the child from many of his/her family members, such as: grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters uproots the child's identity, and by doing this horrific act they are destroying the child's emotional foundation.

Please sign and make a difference. One voice alone might not be heard, but thousands together cannot be ignored! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Grace Rmp RemoveGrace Rmp http://www.gopetition.com/petition/34552.htmlI am working very hard to have as many people as possible to sign this petition.. It is not only for Colin, but for all the children world-wide who are suffering as a result of the selfish affairs between two parents. When a child is alienated from a parent, it is not just a... mere separation between two people- it is the creation of a life-long hiatus affecting the child for the rest of his life. The absence of love and the lack of presence to the child from many of his/her family members, such as: grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters uproots the child's identity, and by doing this horrific act they are destroying the child's emotional foundation.

Please sign and make a difference. One voice alone might not be heard, but thousands together cannot be ignored! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
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