Ask the UN to Delay Mining in Deep Sea Vents

  • av: Judith B.
  • mottagare: UN International Seabed Authority
Volcanic vents in the ocean form unique habitats, each containing life forms found nowhere else on earth. Every time one is investigated, new species are found, about which we know almost nothing.

Unfortunately, many of these unknown ecosystems lie over rich mineral deposits. Countries and corporations are eager to get their hands on metals such as copper, before scientists even know anything about the ecosystem.

The Dragon Vent in the Indian Ocean is one such habitat. Remote controlled submarines have already found a new species of yeti crab, sea cucumbers and snails. However, the UN International Seabed Authority has issued the go ahead for China to begin exploratory mining there, before marine biologists have a basic knowledge of the habitat.

Short-term greed should not be allowed to destroy ecosystems before we even know what we are destroying. Tell the UN to delay mining in unknown deep sea habitats until we at least know what effect it will have.
We the undersigned ask that the UN delay approval for deep sea mining operations around hydrothermal vents, and in particular for the Dragon Vent in the Indian Ocean.

These sites form unique ecosystems, with very little even known about their organisms let alone the potential impact of exploratory mining operations. Without a great deal more study and a full environmental impact assessment, mining operations could destroy such habitats before scientists even understand them.

Once lost, they are gone forever. It is imperative that scientists be able to study them before the decision to allow mining operations to go ahead is made. Without any understanding of the ecosystems, the approval of their exploitation runs the risk of degrading or destroying a unique natural resource.
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