Ban usage of Rollkur

We, the undersigned, state our strong objection to the use of Rollkur in the training of horses. As  advocates for humane riding and treatment of animals we ask that the FEI take a stand against this inhumane technique.

 We demand a complete ban against Rollkur (hyperflexion) in all warm-up areas and on the grounds of  FEI sanctioned events.

We the undersigned, state our strong objection to the use of Rollkur in training of horses. As an advocate for humane riding and treatment of animals we ask that the FEI take a stand against this inhumane technique.
Blue Tongue video:

 We demand a complete ban against Rollkur (hyperflexion) in all FEI  in warm-up or on the grounds of a sanctioned show.  Please show the world The welfare of the horse is truly a key issue with your organization.

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