Buddy's Law - Help Enact It!!

On December 30, 2009 a *thing* named Steven Clay Romero tied a dog named Buddy to the back of his truck and dragged him nearly 3 miles to his death. Since then, Romero has been arraigned in court for the maximum possible sentence. Can you guess what that is? 3 years and a fine. Ridiculous. Please sign this petition and help us make Buddy's Law a reality so that no other pet will ever have to endure this again. A copy of the law is viewable at: http://coloradoclaws.blogspot.com/2010/01/buddys-law-has-been-written.html

Can you imagine what Buddy's last thoughts were? I can:

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry.     I still love you."

As a species, we ARE NOT deserving of a dog's love. But we still have to try.

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."

                                                                  -Anne Frank, 1945
                                                                   Last diary entry.
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