Cancel the FIA approved WDC selection criteria for F1 World Championship 2009

Please accept this petition from  F1 Fans of the World as our official statement against the FIA approved World Drivers Champion (WDC) selection process that will be used for the 2009 F1 World Championship.  We believe the quantity of wins alone is not an accurate selection criteria for the WDC.  We propose that the cumulative points standings at the end of the 2009 F1 World Championship should determine the WDC, as it has for previous  F1 World Championships.
Please accept this petition from  F1 Fans of the World as our official statement against the FIA approved World Drivers Champion (WDC) selection process that will be sued for the 2009 F1 World Championship.  We believe the quantity of wins alone is not an accurate selection criteria for the WDC.  We proposed that the cumulative points standings at the end of the 2009 F1 World Championship should determine the WDC, as it has for previous  F1 World Championships.
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