Conservation of Africa's Great Apes

The great apes of Africa face extinction in the next few decades if more is not done to conserve them. all four species - the Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Western Gorilla, and Eastern Gorilla are threatened primarily by hunting. Urgent action is required to develop the capacity of African countries for conservation, stop the illegal trade in ape products and increase people's support for ape conservation.
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Chimpanzees are found in savanna woodlands, grassland forest mosaic and tropical moist forest, from sea  level to about 3,000 m elevation.
Western Chimpanzees once ranged overb13 countries, but it has become extinct in four, it now accurs from south-east Senegal eastwardto the Niger River in nine states.
Bonobo is endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is found in the central Congo Basin, south of the Congo river.
Please stop the slaughtering of these intelligence Animals, thank you very much
Katherine Hughes
Western Gorilla is found in seven countries in western central Africa where it occours in lowlands forest, swamps forest and mountains forest.
Eastern Gorilla  Separated from western gorilla by 900 km of Congo Basin forest, eastern gorillas inhabit submontane and montane forest in eastern central Africa. there are two subspecies.

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