Demanding tougher animal cruelty laws in Uruguay

In Uruguary there are currently no laws that can guarantee animal welfare or punish torture of animal victims. Many pets living on the streets are subject to many forms of abuse as a result of any protection under the law. 

I just viewed a horrific YouTube video of two Uruguayan men beating a poor dog with a 2x4. Only doing it for a 'laugh'. People like them need justice handed to them and a way of doing that is if all of us around the world come together to sign this petition to better the poor and non-liberal laws that are displayed in Uruguay. You might be thinking, it's just an animal. We kill, we eat and we carry on with our lives as though it's a normal process. An animal is just a living being with the right to live. There's no need to kill an animal that has no intent on killing you or to even kill an animal for non-survival means, just only with an immoral agenda.
Signing this petition doesn't require a donation and it will literally only take a few seconds of your time.
Thank You
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