Disband Westboro Baptist Church

  • av: Raianna Sargent
  • mottagare: to disband this church of hateful family members and remove their rights to protest at various funerals
Westboro Baptist Church is a church based out of Topeka, Kansas. It is compised of the members of the Phelps family and their friends whose sole purpose seems to be causing as much pain and grief as they can on the part of the families whose funerals they picket. They line up and chant absurd messages at the families to whom their messages often have to connection. They've created signs that read such hateful messages as "God Sent The Shooter" in response to the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. There are other posters that read things like "Thank God for 9/11", "Thank God for IEDs" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers".

They claim that any death of any citizen of this country, whether it be by way of service in our nation's military, by natural causes or murder, is God's way of punishing the country for its acceptance of homosexuals in society. They refuse to let families grieve in peace, students to complete their education without being acosted on campus and they hinder the slow progress that the LGBTQ community has  started to make in this country. They claim to have participated in over 41,000 protests in over 650 cities since 1991. This church says that all of service men and women who have been killed overseas is God's way of reminding us of what is right and that we've abandoned our morals by accepting homosexuals in society so we need to be punished.

The United States Supreme Court recently upheld that WBC has the right to protest anywhere they please because it is protected under our most basic right of Freedom of Speech. I only have one thing to say to this: I believe our justice system no longer understands the meaning of the word "justice". Apparently, our Freedom of Speech does not protect racial slurs but it does protect those against homosexuals.

Please Sign this to prevent this group of hateful, hypocritical and heavily prejudiced group of individuals from picketing anymore funerals. The deceased do not deserve to be mocked and their families should not be harassed because the Phelps family and their folowers cannot accept this nation's movement towards acceptance and equality.
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