Dog violated in front of its owner (a child)

In Facatativa, Colombia, late in the evening of April 11, 2010, an individual whose name and address we reserve, on a public thoroughfare of the neighborhood John Paul II, made violent sexual act with a dog. This sexual act was witnessed by a minor. The girl, prisoner of fear from the howls of the animal pain, screamed, wept and described to her mother  what was happening with her dog. The girl's mother  faced  the perverted, who panting himself off the animal  threw him violently to the ground. The dog was writhing in pain bleeding from his anus.
The man came to his house but not before making fun of the lady and the girl who picked up her aching dog, the pervert is a neighbor, unfortunately.
Although the law does not criminalize carnal access to an animal whether violent or not, there is a rule that protects animals against all abuse and makes anyone responsible for infringing it.
Under Article 209 of the Colombian Penal Code "Whoever carried out, various sexual acts of sexual intercourse with person under 14 years or in the presence liable for imprisonment ..."
We know scientifically that violent carnal access with dogs causes diseases that rot animals and in the depraved ones that access them sexually causes syphilis, hence people like the protagonist of these heinous acts in Facatativa, can create an epidemic of major proportions impacting in a public health crisis.
Speaking to put the complaint in question in the Prosecution, the authorities told the dog owners that there was not set any kind of crime, the Police Inspectorate received no complaints because the evidence was not enough, but  the rapist did put a complaint and ended in cautions to the animal owners!
The individual is the stepfather of two underage girls and have a pet inside the house.

Question: Is not incur the corruption of minors run this type of action on the street before a little?
Have you noticed the authorities that this type of perversion may have consequences at the level of public health, because the subject is married and head of a household with two little children under his "care"?
Where is Family Welfare?
"By not committing any crime this guy for making such action suggests that it is legal to rape an animal in this country?

In case there is an incident of violence or domestic abuse, by failing to take action against this individual, the authorities can be accused of being negligent.

I hereby make the case transcript of the report given by the vet:

Blood specimen is examined Labrador retriever dog, golden color, about five years old, with a history of apparent sexual access by a human.
On clinical examination the animal is congested mucous membranes, T.LI.C. 2 seconds, Temperature 38.6 %uFFFD c, eye congestion.
The animal is anxious and express advocacy the hindquarters, tail and pain to sit down.
Clinical evaluation is performed perineal and perianal region. Train pain is evident back with greater intensity in right hip. The prolapsed anus with edema and erythema. Perforating wound with abcedacion with abundant purulent exudate sersanguinolento-paraanal gland right with underlying inflammatory process in all aspect perianal right. A rectal palpation pain and swelling evidence of anal sphincter, excoriation and fissures on the edge prolapsed. The right to be free from fecal content and it is clear catarrhal enteritis with diffuse bleeding.
DIAGNOSIS: Ulcerative Proctitis catarrhal traumatic or irritant with diffuse bleeding. Mucosanguinolenta paraanal adenitis.
It is issued in Facatativa on the 19th day of April 2010 at the request of the owner of the animal Edgar Jose Rodriguez.
Alexander Garcia
University Veterinarian
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