Don't Separate Toronto Zoo's Gay Penguin Couple

Buddy and Pedro are two African chinstrap penguins who, according to the Toronto Zoo, have formed a "pair bond" that is virtually identical to the pair bonds that male and female penguins form. Now, the Toronto Zoo is threatening to separate the pair.

"It's a complicated issue, but they seem to be in a loving relationship of some sort," says Joe Torzsok, chair of the Toronto zoo board.

There are other cases of gay penguins; zoos in New York, Japan, Germany and Sea World Orlando have seen examples. Penguins form deep emotional attachments to their mates, and it is not fair that Buddy and Pedro will be taken away from each other!

Please sign the petition to keep Buddy and Pedro together at the Toronto Zoo.
Please let Buddy and Pedro stay together! Penguins can feel love just like anyone else and taking them away from each other just demonstrates that you don't care about their emotional welfare. If they were heterosexual penguins, this would never be an issue!
Please let them stay together.
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