An undercover expose of rabbit farms in two different countries (France and China) shows how cruel rabbits are treated. These poor rabbits  spend their lives in cramped and filthy cages. When it comes to them being slaughtered, they are pulled out by their ears,  and are shot in the head with a handheld electrical device. Then their throats are SLIT!!! and they can be seen twitching, struggling, shaking and screaming with their eyes wide open before they die. I've been brought up with rabbits and I have never heard them scream...which must mean that they are desperate and really feeling the pain.....Guess what?! Giorgio Armani buys his rabbit fur from these horror farms when he supposedly made a promise to PETA last year that he'd stop, after seeing such disturbing footage. (Fur farmers use the cheapest methods of killing...which include suffocation, electrocution, gassing or anal and vaginal probing.) This can't carry on any more...
Now here is our chance to finally put an end to this and to tell him what we really think and make him realise what he promised us!! help me to end this torture....we can do this you know....if we tell everyone we know about this and to sign the petitions, there's a pretty good chance we can stop it, so thankyou to all you supportive people out there for leaving some true and wonderful means so much to me that there are so many of us that care about the same thing! and that's caring for our beautiful bunnies.

Please keep your promise to go fur free Mr Armani!

We the undersigned watched a new video that exposes the cruelty of rabbit slaughter...and we were absolutely horrified and saddened to learn that Mr Giorgio Armani buys fur for his collections from the rabbit farms! after he made a promise not to buy fur after watching such disturbing footage.
Rabbits on these horror fur farms, spend their entire lives in dirty, cramped wire cages. Fur farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods, including suffocation, anal or vaginal electrocution, gassing, poison or skinning them know the rabbits scream out of pure terror! I personally have never heard a rabbit scream so the ones who do, must be desperate and petrified as they feel the pain of their throat being slit.
With the availability of so many alternatives to animal fur, it's time he removed fur from his collections permanently and stick to his promise....then we'll all start buying his products again...because at the moment, everyone who has signed this petition has boycotted him....and bad news travels fast. Fur is old fashioned!!
Please Mr Armani, stop using real fur for your collections? Fur looks best on it's original owners.
We are all waiting in anticipation as to what you decide to do about this. Please don't make yourself even more unpopular with us, the public...

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter.

Yours Sincerely,

The Petition Signers.

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