Gabby was euthanized & lived four days in a freezer

This is Gabby.She was "euthed" on a Monday by lethal injection, however she was underdosed. On Friday, a shelter worker went to the freezer and found her STILL ALIVE!! - under other dead puppies. This is the the THIRD TIME this has happened. The mayor has been made aware of all three times and is not real concerned ( he was defeated in the election). The mayor told the shelter worker to have Gabby euthed again. She refused and Gabby is being sent to a rescue tomorrow. We are asking them to review and change their euthanasia practices/policies  as they obviously are not working. Safeguards should be in place so that this does not EVER occur again. At a minimum someone should be double checking to be sure the animal does not have a heartbeat before it is thrown into the freezer. Read Gabbys whole story here:

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