Get ferrets legalized in California!

  • av: No one
  • mottagare: To send this to Arnold Swarzenegger to legalize ferrets in CA
Let's get ferret's legalized in California! I own two myself and they are not at all dangerous. Isn't it ironic that Arnold, the governor of CA, worked on the set of kindergarten cop with a ferret who was his own pet, but feels its necessary to keep ferrets illegal in CA. Where is the justice in that?

California has the right to have ferrets just as all other states do. Ferrets are loving creatures and do not deserve this terrible stereotype.
Dear Arnold Swarzenegger,

Here is a petition stating all the people who believe ferrets should be legalized in California. You cannot ignore the fact that they are not dangerous.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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