Horses, they deserve a chance at life

Horses have been abused, negelcted and worst of all killed for their meat. It makes me sick. The photo you see is what they did to horse because he wouldn't move from his spot. I, a horse lover, know what they do, I know that if we don't stop it will never stop! They love us they trust us and we betrayed them the second they are being transported. some people do it for the money others because they think the horse population is too high and some people beilve horses shouldn't even be here and should be extinct. Will you help these poor poor horses????????????????????!!!!!!

We the undersigned belive that  horse neglect and products such as glue and meat is wrong and we would like for it to be stoped. To us using horse products ,that before had been using abuse, is like smoking weed, doing crack, and other harmfull drugs. It is almost like we are Hitler to horses. I am sorry if you have ben insulted at all or angered i am just presenting the facts. thank you for reading my letter and please consider my petition, also ask your daughters about it they might like horses and they would probably agree with us. Once again thank you for your time.

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