Let Nick Run!

This petition is a call for the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to approve the Certificate of Candidacy of Nicanor Perlas to run as president of the Philippines in the 2010 elections.
Dear COMELEC Chairman Jose Melo, 
We, the undersigned, thank you for approving the Certificate of Candidacy of Nicanor Perlas to run as president of the Philippines in the 2010 elections. Nick is an internationally recognized activist who has devoted his life to environmental, social, and economic justice, and a world-class social visionary who has been at the forefront of understanding, defining, and fighting for a truly Comprehensive Sustainable Development. For his work he has won numerous international awards, including the Right Livelihood Award (the %u201CAlternative Nobel Prize%u201D), the UN Environmental Program%u2019s Global 500 Award, The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Award, as well as most recently the Manuel L. Quezon Award for Exemplary Governance. He is a serious candidate with both national and international support and respect. Considering the grave social, economic, and environmental problems that the world is facing today, we believe Nick to be by far the most serious candidate.
Thanks you again for revisiting your decision,
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