List Mountain Lion as Endangered in Nebraska

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Nebraska Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior

With only 20 mountain lions left in Nebraska, the big cat should be listed as state-endangered.

Instead, State Senator LeRoy Louden is trying to push a bill to promote the extermination of the species in Nebraska- Legislative Bill 928.

The bill would allow the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission to open an annual trophy hunting season on mountain lions and kill them just for "fun".

As it stands, ranchers are allowed to freely kill mountain lions on their property without needing permits or having to contact the game agency first, due to a previous bill in 2010 introduced by Senator Louden.

We ask that mountain lions be listed as endangered in Nebraska and given full United States protection.


Nebraska Fish and Wildlife Service

203 W 2nd St.

2nd Floor, Federal Building

Grand Island, NE 68801

FAX: 308-384-8835

PHONE: 308- 382-6468

Michael D. George- Field Supervisor

(308) 382-6468 ext: 12

John F. Cochnar- Deputy Field Supervisor

(308) 382-6468 ext: 20

Ken Salazar

Secretary of the Interior

U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W. / Washington DC 20240

With only 20 mountain lions left in Nebraska, the big cat should be listed as state-endangered.

Instead, State Senator LeRoy Louden is trying to push a bill to promote the extermination of the species in Nebraska- Legislative Bill 928.

The bill would allow the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission to open an annual trophy hunting season on mountain lions and kill them just for "fun".

As it stands, ranchers are allowed to freely kill mountain lions on their property without needing permits or having to contact the game agency first, due to a previous bill in 2010 introduced by Senator Louden.

We ask that mountain lions be listed as endangered in Nebraska and given full United States protection.

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