National Recycling of Paper, Plastic, Tin & Aluminum

China Is financially Stable now.  I understand that they have been doing much of the worlds recycling.  If We begin to be responsible stewards over the land in the United States our environment will be safer, cleaner and our people and wildlife will be healthier, our air and water will be cleaner.  Please require that all rural areas, towns and cities provide public recycling of paper, plastic, aluminum, and tin.  Thank you!  The Floating Garbage Patch Recently a couple of Whales have washed ashore in Washington, Long Island, and San Diego.  All of the whales were found to have plastic in their stomacks.  One whale had 20 plastic bags in its stomack.  Can you believe that didn't blame the deaths on the plastic?
 Please begin to be responsible stewards over the land in the United States so that our environment will be safer, cleaner and our people and wildlife will be healthier, our air and water will be cleaner.  Please require that all rural areas, towns and cities provide public recycling of paper, plastic, aluminum, and tin.  Thank you!  
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