No New Approvals for Tar Sands Developments

We, the undersigned, represent diverse interests and individual priorities to our concern about the future of Alberta. We represent {environmental, social, conservation, labour, health, treaty rights, forestry, land use, humanitarian, water and economic concerns}; but we are united in our concern about the impact that out-of-control development of the oil sands is having on all areas of the province.

We are calling, with one voice, for the Alberta Government to take the first step for a cessation of new oil sands approvals and lease sales. The time is now to stop the uncontrolled oil sands development and deal with the environmental and social concerns that it has created.

Regardless of the reason, there is one thing we all agree on - the first step is to stop adding to the problem.

No new approvals on oil sands development!

We, the undersigned, represent diverse interests and individual priorities to our concern about the future of Alberta. We represent {environmental, social, conservation, labour, health, treaty rights, forestry, land use, humanitarian, water and economic concerns}; but we are united in our concern about the impact that out-of-control development of the oil sands is having on all areas of the province.

We are calling, with one voice, for the Alberta Government to take the first step for a cessation of new oil sands approvals and lease sales. The time is now to stop the uncontrolled oil sands development and deal with the environmental and social concerns that it has created.

Regardless of the reason, there is one thing we all agree on - the first step is to stop adding to the problem.

No new approvals on oil sands development!

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