Open Gibson Ranch Park Now

1. We the undersigned want Gibson Ranch open now.

2. We want Gibson Ranch Park open as soon as possible because this historic ranch belongs to the taxpayers, community members, and the children. As soon as possible means before April 2nd, 2011.

3. The "Ose proposal" was submitted on time, in accordance with all the requirements of the "request for proposal," and has fulfilled all of the requirements for the best community benefit.
4. The "Ose proposal" Gibson Ranch LLC" saves Sacramento County $100,000 per year in the first 5 years, will assure that our park is open 7 days a week, and will immediately start bringing measurable benefits and assets back to community members. We believe that this will bring real social and financial benefits to Gibson Ranch as well as free up scarce funding which could be used in other parts of Sacramento County.
 We the undersigned want Gibson Ranch open now.

 We want Gibson Ranch Park open as soon as possible because this historic ranch belongs to the taxpayers, community members, and the children. As soon as possible means before April 2nd, 2011.

 The "Ose proposal" was submitted on time, in accordance with all the requirements of the "request for proposal," and has fulfilled all of the requirements for the best community benefit.

The "Ose proposal" Gibson Ranch LLC" saves Sacramento County $100,000 per year in the first 5 years, will assure that our park is open 7 days a week, and will immediately start bringing measurable benefits and assets back to community members. We believe that this will bring real social and financial benefits to Gibson Ranch as well as free up scarce funding which could be used in other parts of Sacramento County.
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