Pat Robertson: APOLOGIZE

Pat Robertson is at it again. The televangelist once linked the 9/11 terrorist attack and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to legalized abortion in the U.S. Now he claims that Haiti is "cursed" because of a "pact to the devil" made by slaves who revolted against French colonial rule in the 1790s. Incredibly, Robertson also suggested that the devastating earthquake, which may have killed tens of thousands of people, could be a "blessing in disguise."  Pat Robertson, your ridiculous treatises are deeply offensive. We demand that you immediately apologize to the people and government of Haiti.
To Pat Robertson:
On January 13th, one day after a devastating 7.0 earthquake hit the impoverished nation of Haiti, you stated on the 700 Club that the people of Haiti were "cursed" due to a "pact to the devil" in their history. You stated that the slaves were able to gain their freedom from French colonialists by making a "pact to the devil" and the island has been cursed ever since.
I am deeply offended that you would suggest that tens of thousands of people may have died because slaves dared to throw off their colonial oppressors.  How dare you try to blame this devastating natural disaster on Haiti's history. And how dare you blatantly ignore the large role that policies of the U.S. government and other nations have played in Haiti's political and economic instability. The Haitian revolution inspired freedom movements throughout the Americas and led to the French granting the Louisiana Purchase to the fledgling United States.
I demand that you issue an immediate apology to the people and government of Haiti. 
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