Please Do Not Kill Daisy because of her Breed

Daisy is a beautiful young dog. She is a pitbull. She is neither vicious nor violent. She is simply unfortunate. She lives in an area where there is legislation regulating her breed. Her owner chose to not follow the rules and regulations and now Daisy's life is in jeopardy. In the area where Daisy lives all pitbulls must be muzzled in public and spayed or neutered. Daisy was neither at the time of an unfortunate incident.

While her owner was inside a building, Daisy was left with a child outside. The child apprently tied her up to something, from which she broke free and while loose, she jumped on an elderly woman, injuring the woman. She did not bite, she simply did what many exuberant puppies would and jumped up on the woman.

Daisy did not do jump out of anger or violence. She was simply being a puppy. She needs to be rehomed to a place where she will not be left unattended and have another unfortunate incident. There have been offers by loving and responsible people to adopt her.

Please sign so thatthe powers that be will release her to someone who can care for her as responsibly as she deserves. She deserves another chance. She is not violent or vicious. She is a playful pup, and with competent supervision, she would never have another incident like that. Please, allow Daisy a chance to live out her natural life somewhere that BSL doesn't restrict her breed and with someone who will care for her properly and protect her from situations like the one she is in now. Give Daisy another chance!!

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