Prohibit importation of Marine Mammals in the U.S. Amend section 216.12 of the MMA.

 Under subpart B of the Marine Mammal Act of the United States,section 216.12 of the act prohibits the importation of any Marine Mammal or Marine Mammal product into the United States by any person.We,the undersigned,request the United States House of representatives to amend  Subpart B  section 216.12 of the Marine Mammal Act to include a ban on importation of Marine Mammals and Marine Mammal Products into the United States for purposes of Scientific Research,and that the issuing of permits for Scientific research and the importation and issuing of permits  of Marine Mammals for purposes regarding introduction of captivity in any Marine park,dolphinarium,Aquarium,or other aquatic facility located within the jurisdiction of the United States,or it's territories,be deemed unlawful.We request this amendment to 216.12 of the Marine Mammal Protection act to include all Marine Mammals inclusive with section 216.15 of the depleted species section of the act.The importation of Marine Mammals into the United States,whether it be for scientific research,or under permits or license issued by the U.S.secretary of Commerce,condemns Marine Mammals to death or captivity.We request review and adoption of an amendment by the U.S. House of Representatives,request a vote on the aforementioned proposed amendment to 216.12 of the act,and that certification of the proposed amendment be submitted to the United States Senate for review by the judiciary committee,and that said amendment be adopted by the United States Senate.{ REFERENCE 16 U.S.C.1374 section 104,issuance of permits,section (c).Subchapter (A) Part 216-Regulations Governing the taking and importation of Marine Mammals.Ref: Subchapter (B) North Pacific Commercial fisheries,subchapter (c) Marine Mammals.}
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