Save our RAF Stations

We, the undersigned, are strongly opposed to the proposed closure of RAF Kinloss in Moray, RAF Lossiemouth on the Moray Firth and RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire.

RAF Lyneham is the Royal Air Force's principal Transport hub, operating the modern C-130J Hercules, and the aging, but very adaptable, C-130K Hercules. RAF Lyneham is also renowned for being the "gateway" between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan; the base is also where repatriation of British personnel killed in Afghanistan takes place. We owe it to the memory of our fallen Heroes to keep the base open and functioning. In addition, Number 2491 (Lyneham) Squadron of the Air Training Corps uses this station as their headquarters. The Air Training Corps is an organisation which provides young people with a future through unique experiences and training opportunities. The organisation would be hit hard by the closure of Lyneham Squadron, which currently parades around 45 young people twice a week.

RAF Kinloss is one of only 3 remaining RAF bases in Scotland, along with Leuchars and Lossiemouth. The closure of the two Northern bases will not only leave more than 5,000 people unemployed, it will leave Scotland worryingly vulnerable to attack.

We wish the Defence Budget to be reviewed and the decision to close these vital bases reconsidered.
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