Save the husky!

  • av: Ashley Bouvy
  • mottagare: District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala, Jr.

This dog did not intentionally hurt a three day old baby. He didn't know what he was doing, or that it would kill the baby. The baby SHOULD NOT have been left alone, on the floor, with any dog, especially a dog which the owner is unsure of his behavior. This husky had been abused in the past, and he had a broken leg at the time that he attacked the baby. Animals that are injured are especially temperamental and are advised to not be around children. The dog should not die because of the carelessness of the owner. This dog needs a home in which someone will take the time to train him and give him the attention he needs. The fact that he attacked a newborn baby on the floor does not show that he is a dangerous dog. It merely shows that the baby was a new and undiscovered creature to the dog, and that the dog should not have been left alone with the baby. THIS DOG DOES NOT DESERVE TO DIE! Whats even more upsetting is that the parents are not being charged.

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