Save Wildlife on Shea Homes Property

Shea Homes is currently BULLDOZING 600 acres of prairie dog and dependent wildife habitat to make way for more homes in "The Backcountry". 

Additionally they recently "removed" all the prairie dogs at Lucent and Highlands Ranch Parkway, 100 acres to be sent to the black-footed ferret program as food.  This last significant parcel of wildlife habitat will be turned into a Super Target and other commercial development. 

Shea refuses to relocate prairie dogs to their own "Backcountry Wilderness Area" wildlife refuge in Highlands Ranch or to a private ranch citizens found willing to take prairie dogs. 

We value the Highlands Ranch wildlife and demand Shea preserve our native Colorado wildlife. We specifically ask that Shea allow humane relocation of remaining prairie dogs to  the "Backcountry Wilderness Area" or other wildlife refuge.

We, the undersigned, value the Highlands Ranch wildlife and demand Shea Homes to preserve our native Colorado wildlife whenever possible.   We specifically ask that Shea Homes humanely relocate the prairie dogs currently being bulldozed to suitable areas within the Backcountry Wilderness wildlife sanctuary or other sanctuary.  We understand that suitable habitat exists and  prairie dog conservation groups will relocate the prairie dogs at minimal cost to Shea Homes.

Thousands of prairie dogs and dependent wildlife have lost their lives due to development in Highlands Ranch.  Shea Homes was the owner / developer of all the land in Highlands Ranch.  We ask that in these last developments they develop around or relocate the wildlife. 

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