Sergeant Allen Cockfield of the Miami-Dade Police Department was recently charged with felony animal

  • av: A Voice For Duke
  • mottagare: Take Action" to ask State Attorney to seek maximum sentence
Update 2: 12/12/07 FYI Vicks got 23 months for his dog abuse. Lets hope Sgt. Cockfield gets more than just this slap on the hand. I will let you know Dec. 17 what the outcome of the continuence is for him.

Update: the trial has been postponed until Dec. 17th., 2007 at which time I believe it will be continued again due to the Holidays that will follow. 
Cockfield has been terminated due to his arrest and until he is sentenced, assuming  he will be found guilty, he will not be able to ever get his job back. He will never work with animals again. Thats a given. The other officers did not stand there doing nothing, this is the reporters words. Their words were it happened so fast that Duke was down before anyone could get to him. He was immediately scooped into a cruiser and taken to the Emergency hospital but he could not be revived. HE was already Gone.
6 of the ten officers there were close enough to witness the entire thing and turned Cockfield in, which is never done to a superior officer. These officers should be commended for their ability to see what is really important. The truth, no matter what the cost. They are all sickened by Dukes demise.

Police Officer Accused of Killing K-9 Partner

"Take Action" to ask State Attorney to seek maximum sentence

Sergeant Allen Cockfield of the Miami-Dade Police Department was recently charged with felony animal cruelty charges for allegedly kicking his K-9 partner Duke to death during an obedience training exercise.. The reason, according to an anonymous witness: Duke barked when he wasn't supposed to, so Cockfield hoisted the four-year-old German shepherd by the leash around his neck and repeatedly kicked him in a fit of rage until he lost consciousness. Duke reportedly died later at a veterinary clinic from injuries sustained during the attack.

Following the incident, the Miami-Dade Police Department suspended Cockfield from duty without pay, and opened an internal affairs investigation of his violent actions. After his arrest, Cockfield was released on bail. Miami-Dade police told reporters that Cockfield, a veteran of the force with 27 years experience, is a model officer with a file full of commendations and no history of disciplinary problems. However, with more than two decades of K-9 training under his belt, it is possible that this is just the first time this loose cannon got caught or reported for abusing an animal.
Duke had a heart attack from his brain being deprived of blood basically. Other officers tried to help but Duke was DOA. They have testified to the effect of Cockfield being arrested. No one wants to see Mr. Cockfield get away with this. I don't want him to take a  plead deal  in return for his pension and benefits when he gets out of jail. Those are our tax dollars. He deserves Nothing.

Sergeant Allen Cockfield's trial is scheduled to begin on September 24th. Tel: (305) 547-0664

Please call or write to the state attorney asking her to push for the maximum with NO plea deals that will allow this man to get his pension and retirement benefits. Duke gets no benefits, never did.
Write to Katherine Fernandez-Rundle, Felony Prosecutions & Administration, E.R.
Graham Building
1350 N.W. 12 Ave.
Miami, Florida

Sergeant Allen Cockfield's trial is scheduled to begin on September 24th. Please write or call prosecuting attorney Isis Perez before then and politely ask that she seek the maximum penalty in the case against Cockfield.

Isis Perez
Public Corruption Unit
1350 N.W. 12th Avenue
Miami, FL 33136-2111 

Tel: (305) 547-0664
We the undersigned want to see Allen Cockfield prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for his horrific crime in Miami Dade County  if and when he is found guilty. We Don't want to see him given the opportunity for  a Plea deal giving him a lighter sentence or any type of deal that would allow him to receive his pension or any benefits from the Department of Miami Dade Police. Furthermore, he should never be allowed back on the Dept. in any capacity or be employed in the county of Miami Dade. if for some reason he is not found guilty of this witnessed crime.
We feel Duke was his partner and therefore this is a type of manslaughter.
PLease don't let this slip through the cracks.
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