Showing Solidarity With UWM Occupied!

Show your support for UWM Occupied by telling Chancellor Lovell and UW Regent President Pruitt how valuable this space has been for the community, campus, and the state of Wisconsin. Help us continue the fight against apathy, austerity, and Scott Walker's attack on the people of Wisconsin!
Dear Chancellor Lovell and Regent President Pruitt,
We show great disapproval of the impeding removal of the students currently occupying the UWM campus, and your handling of the situation.
We believe that this group's work is important to the continuing fight for labor, education, and human rights. It seems that the situation would have been better handled if you were open to discussion/negotiation with the occupiers. Instead, you led two members into a meeting under false pretenses, and informed them that they had 24 hours to leave the space.
Despite your extension of the deadline to Friday night, we believe that the University's means of removing the occupation was disrespectful, and are voicing our collective disappointment with your actions.

Thank you for your time.
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