STOP Horse Fighting in Korea, China & Phillipines

Where does horse fighting take place?

Horse fighting has now been outlawed almost worldwide. It still thrives, however, in countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, China and South Korea. Brutal and inhumane, these spectacles can be anything from featured events in annual fiestas and thanksgiving festivals to scrappy events put together by locals for the purposes of an afternoon's gambling and entertainment, or to honor a special guest. Horse fighting takes place in city stadiums or abandoned playing fields in remote villages and provinces. In more highly populated areas they may also be conducted at a local racetrack.

Countries staging horse fights defend it as a cultural tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years, and resist any attempts to ban it. While tradition has long been used to legitimize horse fighting, money and gambling appears to be the real reason for its continued existence.

STOP IT NOW!  This petition will be sent to the United Nations with a request that they do something about putting pressure on these countries to stop the practices.

Copies will also be sent to the various Heads of state of the OFFENDING countries.

An aside note -  I am being targeted by some nutter - please ignore the nonsense and continue your fight for animals do not be distracted by the nonsense. 
thank you


Dear Sirs

It has come to our attention that horse fighting  is still encouraged in the following countries:

South Korea

Countries staging horse fights defend it as a cultural tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years, and resist any attempts to ban it. While tradition has long been used to legitimize horse fighting, money and gambling appears to be the real reason for its continued existence, this is a poor and disgusting excuse to abuse animals.

We the undersigned call on the United Nations to bring pressure to bear on the governments of these offending countries to stop the practice of holding horse fights and make them put laws in place to punish those that disregard the laws, this will bring these countries in lines with the rest of the world.

Speak now for those that do not have a voice, stand up and be counted Sirs.

Yours sincerely

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