Stop Plastic Bag Pollution!

Support a small tax on plastic bags in order to reduce the numbers poisoning our planet.
We the undersigned support the implementation of a tax on plastic bags in order to encourage consumers to use plastic bag alternatives every time they shop, and properly dispose of (ie recycling or upcycling) any plastic bags that are used.

Depending on their composition, plastic bags can take up to 1000 years to breakdown in a landfill; even then, they do not biodegrade, they photodegrade - breaking into smaller and smaller bits until becoming a "plastic dust" that enters our soil & waterways, contaminating our food chain.

Many other countries have successfully implented a tax on plastic bags and have seen dramatic reductions in pollution as a result. Now is the time for America to step up and make a big difference through small changes in our habits.

Thank you for taking the time to address our concerns.
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