Stop the ruthless killings of stray dogs in Pakistan

There are over a 100,000 stray dogs roaming the streets of Karachi, Pakistan. In an attempt to combat the spread of rabies, civic authorities have been killing these dogs by strychnine poisoning and shooting with guns. They have even involved the general public in this by offering cash as reward for every dog killed. The proof? The dog%u2019s tail%u2026
Not only are these methods cruel and excessive, they are also ineffective in reducing animal populations as well as prevention in the spread of rabies. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommended long term strategy of catch/neuter/vaccinate/release is the only effective and humane method for dealing with rabies and stray populations.
According to a news report in Dawn newspaper (May 11, 2005), the Karachi City Nazim (mayor), Niamatullah Khan, has decided to launch a major campaign against stray dogs, saying that %u201Cthe campaign will continue until their total elimination.%u201D In this regard, he has requested the EDO Health Dr. Khalid Hussain Shaikh to provide the %u201Crequired number of capsules for killing stray dogs%u201D. Remember, this money will be coming from our tax rupees.
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