Stop torturing bulls in Tordesillas!

Every year in September, a bull is tortured and killed during a fiesta called 'Toro de la Vega' in the Spanish town Tordesillas. Hundreds of agressive men on foot and on horse chase the bull and stab him with long lances, until he collapses. Then, they cut off his tail and testicles, after which he is killed.

The undersigned request that the Town Council of Tordesillas (Valladolid, Spain) and the Government Castille and León immediately discontinue the cruel festival called %u201CToro de la Vega%u201D. This event is sponsored by the Government of Castille and consists of thousands of participants on foot and horseback armed with spears chasing a defenceless bull until it is cornered and killed. The animal dies a slow and painful death due to the numerous wounds inflicted. This event, declared to be of tourist interest, is not admissible in the twenty first century!

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