Stop using animals in the circus!

Do you believe that an animal might have left its enviroment to become an acrobat in the circus?

Circus equals violence, captivity, incarceration, torture, thirst, starvation, abuse and horror for the animals unlucky enough to be captured by poachers or were born in captivity.

On stage:
The animals are not performing!
What the audience sees is a trick concealed with colorfull lights and joyfull music!

Watching the whip or the stick covered with ribbons, which hides the steel hook or the barb, reminds them the tortures they've been through and the animals act reflectivly: they execute the movements so they will not be abused again.
Wonder what will our children learn watching a proud animal being humiliated like that, watching the bars and the whip..
We ask the goverment to ban circuses with animals in Greece!

Please sign!

Signatures are going to be used by GAWF (Greek Animal Welfare Fund) to target the Greek government.

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