Stop wolves to be poisoned over tar sands

Tar sands operations in Canada are pushing woodland caribou to the brink of extinction as their habitat is destroyed.

Incredibly, Canada's proposed solution is to kill the wolves that prey on caribou, instead of protecting their habitat. Black bears that are being habituated in the tar sands region are also being shot and killed.

Despite President Obama's prudent rejection of the massive Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Congress continues to try to force approval of this dangerous project--which would pump nearly one million barrels per day of tar sands oil through America's heartland.

In addition to endangering wildlife along its route, Keystone XL would greatly expand habitat-destroying tar sands development--and would mean fewer caribou, wolves, and black bears.

Take action! Edit and send the message below, urging your members of Congress to reject the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this a copy of the petition of the NWF Action Fund and is intented to support it from outside the US and Canada

The Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline poses an enormous threat to wildlife, clean water, and our nation's clean energy future. Again and again, Big Oil has been able to force its agenda on the American people, but this time can be different--and we need your help to prevent another dirty oil disaster.  

Please fight for your constituents, not for Big Oil. I urge you to reject any attempt to authorize the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline--including an amendment to the Transportation bill or payroll tax extension--and instead work for clean energy solutions that benefit people and wildlife.
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