Tell Bulgaria: Stop torturing and killing animals for amusement!!!

  • av: Animal Rights Network
  • mottagare: The Bulgarian President,  the Prime minister,  the Chief Prosecutor,  the District Attorney Gabrovo,
On the 12th of December 2011, in the “Allegro” night club in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, a horrific blood orgy took place. A small Mexican piglet, was smeared in oil and released amidst the raving drunken crowd to be caught and killed for fun. Hundreds of people were present, but not a single one of them protested or tried to save the poor animal. Instead they pounced on him. What followed was a satanic display of savagery. They broke the piglet’s ribs and smashed its fragile body. They kicked and dragged the poor soul that was bleeding and screaming in agony and shock. But that was not enough for the bloodthirsty mob. Two drunken morons, identified as Iliq Malchev and Georgi Georgiev, both students at the Technical University in Gabrovo, eventually caught the piglet, took it to the bathroom and started smashing the pig’s head against the wall. Then they started stabbing its trembling body with an ice pick. Then they took a knife and cut the piglet’s belly open while it was still alive. The piglet’s terrifying screams woke the whole neighborhood, but still nobody came to rescue. Eventually the piglet’s head was cut off with extreme cruelty and raised on a stick as a trophy.
This is the idea of fun in Bulgaria, promoted by sick, perverted club owners, approved and supported by local businessmen and government officials. Although in April 2011 the Bulgarian Parliament passed an amendment to the Penal Code, which criminalized cruelty to animals, cases like this one are still common and widespread and no one has ever been investigated, caught, charged or convicted as a result.

We, the undersigned are disgusted and outraged by the idea of torturing animals to death for fun and amusement in Bulgaria. We insist that the Bulgarian authorities must do whatever it takes to expel from the Technical University and bring to justice all responsible for that sick, barbaric, public display of cruelty. Violent acts toward animals have long been recognized as indicators of a dangerous psychopathy that does not confine itself to animal abuse. As Dr Albert Schweitzer once wrote "Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives". We strongly believe, as you probably do as well, that  the investigation and prosecution of crimes against animals is an important tool for identifying and punishing people who are, or may become, perpetrators of violent crimes against humans. We therefore insist that you exercise all the powers you have to enforce the Law in Bulgaria by bringing to justice the perpetrators, organizers and all accomplices to this satanic display of violence and torture in public. I shall not rest until the Bulgarian authorities show clear will and determination in dealing with crimes like that. I shall not travel to Bulgaria,  buy Bulgarian goods and services, fly with Bulgarian airlines or invest in Bulgaria until your country recognizes the basic right of animals to life without torture, pain and abuse.
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