Tell California Gov. Brown Not to Kill Thousands of Innocent Shelter Animals

The Hayden Law protects the hundreds of thousands of dogs, cats and other animals that enter California animal shelters every year by requiring that they be kept alive and available for reclamation or adoption for at least 4-6 days before being killed, and by extending the hours of operation of shelters to allow working families interested in adopting to visit during evenings and weekends.

Governor Jerry Brown  is planning to repeal key provisions of the Hayden Law in order to save the state money.  This is wrong.  Thousands of innocent animals should not be killed to alleviate California's budget woes. There are better and more humane solutions to our state's fiscal problems.

For more information, please watch this video.
Governor Brown, please do not repeal the Hayden Law that protects innocent animals in our state's shelters.

The Hayden Law protects the hundreds of thousands of dogs, cats and other animals that enter California animal shelters every year by requiring that they be kept alive and available for reclamation or adoption for at least 4-6 days before being killed, and by extending the hours of operation of shelters to allow working families interested in adopting to visit during evenings and weekends.

Thousands of innocent animals should not be killed to alleviate California's budget woes. There are better and more humane solutions to our state's fiscal problems.
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