The fire buring dog.

  • av: alayna
  • mottagare: Dog abusers
Justin Moulder, 18, and Joshua Moulder, 17, brutalized, tortured and killed a 3-month old tan and white puppy. They tied her front paws together with duct tape, tied her rear paws together with duct tape, and then taped her front and hind legs together with tape. They wound tape so tightly around the puppys mouth and nose she could barely breathe.That was only the beginning. The puppy, less than five months old, was immersed in white paint which the defendants tried to ignite with matches or a lighter. When that didn't work, they removed two shelves from a commercial gas range, put the pup inside, turned on the gas and literally cooked this animal inside and out. The puppy's body was so charred. The alleged perpetrators of this crime are currently awaiting trial in Atlanta. Please help these to kids go to jail for their immature behavior. They killed a baby animal what if that was a real baby? huh? We cant afford this happening to any more animals.
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